Bio identical Hormone therapy Menifee, CA - Equilibrium Hormone Institute

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves using hormones that are molecularly identical to those naturally produced in the human body to treat hormonal imbalances associated with aging and health conditions. Unlike synthetic hormones used in traditional hormone therapy, bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as hormones produced by the body, allowing them to bind more efficiently to hormone receptors.

At Equilibrium Hormone Institute in Menifee, we specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement plans to help patients alleviate unpleasant menopause symptoms, correct hormone deficiencies, improve energy levels, sexual function, sleep quality, emotional wellbeing, and more.

What are Common Bioidentical Hormones Used in Therapy

The most frequently prescribed bioidentical hormones are:

Our services

Customization is Key

There is no “one size fits all” approach to bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT). The doctors at Equilibrium Hormone Institute specialize in customized bioidentical hormone replacement to match each patient’s unique hormonal needs and health goals.

We recognize that hormone balance is highly individualized based on factors like:

After a thorough evaluation, our practitioners create a customized prescription bioidentical hormone cream, troche, or injectable uniquely designed to help the patient feel their best. The dosage and delivery method can be conveniently adjusted over time to ensure optimal hormone levels are achieved and maintained long-term.

Assessing Hormone Levels with Testing

Comprehensive lab testing is crucial prior to initiating bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to accurately identify imbalances and determine the ideal customized treatment plan.

Equilibrium Hormone Institute provides patient-friendly local labs in Menifee to check baseline blood, saliva or urine hormone levels related to:





Repeat laboratory testing helps us ensure hormone therapy is working optimally or may need dosage adjustments. We also routinely monitor patient symptoms, sleep quality, energy levels, sexual health, emotional wellbeing and more.

Take control of your hormonal health today!

Equilibrium Hormone Institute Approach to Customized Treatment

At Equilibrium Hormone Institute, our dedicated practitioners leverage their extensive experience and expertise in bioidentical hormone replacement to create fully personalized plans to help patients look, feel and live their best.

We take the time to listen carefully to patient concerns, ask questions, and get to know their lifestyle and health goals. Next, we:

Who Can Benefit from Bioidentical HRT?

Bioidentical hormone therapy may significantly help patients experiencing hormone-related signs and symptoms like:



Both women and men can develop thyroid hormone deficiency leading to irritability, weight gain, feeling cold, hair thinning, heavy periods, muscle cramps, fatigue despite adequate sleep, high cholesterol and more.

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to those made by the human body, but they aren't approved by the FDA as they are mixed and sold by independent pharmacies - which means there are no standards of quality control like for FDA-approved medications made by big pharmaceutical companies.

Bioidentical HRT Treatment Protocols

The process of beginning customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) with Equilibrium Hormone Institute follows three main steps after initial patient intake and assessment:

1. Laboratory Testing

Patients have their blood drawn locally to measure baseline hormone levels. We review the results thoroughly and may order additional tests to uncover the root hormonal imbalances causing bothersome signs and symptoms.

2. Custom Treatment Plan Creation

Next, our highly trained bioidentical hormone doctors use the laboratory findings coupled with the patient’s unique medical history and health goals to design a customized bioidentical hormone replacement regimen. This can involve estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormones or other bioidenticals in varying combinations, doses and delivery methods.

We work collaboratively with the patient to address all their questions and concerns to make them feel fully comfortable with the process of starting hormones.

3. Follow Up & Monitoring

Approximately 4-8 weeks after initiating bioidentical hormone therapy, we schedule a series of convenient follow up visits and blood tests to ensure the customized regimen is working optimally. Patient progress is assessed through discussing symptom improvements and conducting pertinent lab testing.

Dosage adjustments are made until the desired clinical response is achieved, with many patients feeling dramatically better in 6-8 weeks once optimized hormone levels are reached. We also provide long-term monitoring to sustain patient gains for many years to come.

Discover personalized hormone balance for optimal health!

Estrogen Replacement Therapy

Declining or fluctuating estrogen levels cause some of the most disruptive menopause symptoms that negatively impact women’s daily lives, including hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, urinary urgency, and emotional changes like anxiety, irritability and depression.

Estrogen replacement with bioidentical hormones can provide immense symptom relief by restoring stabilizing estrogen levels. This helps modulate serotonin production for balanced moods, precedents osteoporosis by preserving bone density, reduces cardiovascular disease risk by regulating cholesterol production, and fosters refreshing sleep so women awaken feeling restored.

It also alleviates urogenital atrophy to reduce vaginal dryness and painful intercourse, while enhancing natural lubrication. Estrogen applied to the vaginal tissue can sufficiently resolve these local symptoms without requiring systemic hormone therapy.

Equilibrium Hormone Institute custom calibrates estrogen replacement dosing and delivery methods to match each woman’s individual needs for optimal safety and efficacy. We take care to avoid over-supplementing estrogen which may raise health risks. Formulations can contain estriol, estrone, and/or estradiol.

Progesterone Replacement

When estrogen dominance occurs due to low progesterone production by the ovaries, it disrupts the natural rhythmic rise and fall of these two key female hormones across the menstrual cycle.

Insufficient progesterone relative to estrogen underlies many hormone imbalance symptoms like PMS, irregular cycles, infertility, weight gain, anxiety, sleep disruptions, headaches and low libido.

Oral progesterone is poorly absorbed and rapidly broken down by the liver. At Equilibrium Hormone Institute, we expertly prescribe sustained-release bioidentical progesterone creams, vaginal suppositories or topical gels that are very well absorbed to gently restore optimal progesterone levels.

Progesterone therapy helps counteract estrogen’s growth promoting influence, functioning as a natural anti-estrogen in the uterus lining and breasts to support women’s health. Our integrated approach with dietary counseling helps sensitize progesterone receptors for maximum responsiveness.

Patients often report progesterone replacement provides sudden, significant relief from emotional and physical symptoms, while re-regulating menstrual cycling for fertility or the transition into menopause. We also incorporate natural micronized progesterone into perimenopause treatment plans as progesterone levels naturally decline several years prior to menopause.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy For Women and Men

Testosterone is often thought of exclusively as a “male” hormone. However, women also require balanced testosterone levels to preserve optimal health, activity levels, body composition and sexuality across their lifespan.

Likewise, testosterone is equally essential for men’s overall vitality and wellbeing as they age. Declining testosterone predicts earlier mortality in men. Thus, testosterone replacement with bioidentical hormones plays a restorative role for both sexes.

After extensive patient evaluation, Equilibrium Hormone Institute practitioners expertly prescribe customized regimens of topical gels, sublingual troches, injectable pellets or micro-dosed testosterone creams. This successfully alleviates symptoms of andropause and menopause related to testosterone deficiency like fatigue, mental fog, irritability, weight gain and reduced libido.

Closely monitored testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) provides excellent safety by avoiding excessively high hormone levels. It also helps patients avoid “crashing” between pellets or injections with steady physiological daily dosing. Supportive therapies like supplements, stress modulation and dietary changes promote lean muscle development, healthy body composition, and lasting wellness for women and men alike.

Note: Equilibrium Hormone Institute never prescribes oral testosterone or synthetic hormones associated with higher risk profiles.

Thyroid Hormone Replacement

An underactive thyroid develops when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland causing inflammation and damage that reduces production of thyroid hormones T4 and T3. Since these hormones regulate metabolism, temperature regulation, heart rate, cholesterol levels and more, numerous symptoms manifest when levels decline.

Many patients with stubborn, hard to resolve complaints like unexpected weight gain, constant exhaustion, brain fog, hair loss, feeling cold all the time, heavy periods or infertility suffer from undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Optimal thyroid function underpins full vibrant health.

Thus, restoring levels of thyroid hormone through replacement of T4, T3 or desiccated thyroid offers immense hope to those who have struggled with energy-depleting symptoms for months to years without solutions. With proper testing and monitoring, patients often report “feeling like myself again” as thyroid supplementation revives their body’s metabolic processes for rekindled vitality. Dietary support helps modulate autoimmunity for long-lasting thyroid health.

Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones

The wide array of advantages stemming from properly prescribed bioidentical hormone therapy makes it a top recommendation of anti-aging experts worldwide for retaining wellness, activity levels and quality of life as we age. Benefits include:

In restoring hormone balance, patients often describe feeling “back to myself again” as their body regains the capacity to function optimally. Supportive therapies amplify and sustain benefits long-term.

Risks of Ignoring Hormone Deficiencies

Allowing hormone deficiencies and imbalances to persist untreated over months to years has detrimental effects on nearly all aspects of health. It speeds physiologic decline associated with aging and leaves people feeling depleted of joy, vitality and engagement with daily living.

Specific risks involve:

In women, sustained estrogen deficiency after menopause markedly raises risks for cardiovascular disease, the 1 cause of death, as this hormone offers a powerful protective influence when balanced properly with progesterone.

Likewise in men, low testosterone predicts higher rates of obesity, metabolic syndrome and earlier death - making Andropause an equally serious hormone-deficiency condition.

Thyroid disorders often manifest with overlapping, non-specific symptoms that dramatically lower patients’ vitality. Proper diagnosis and treatment helps many reclaim their energy and easier weight management.

Addressing Hormone Deficiency Holistically

The integrative physicians at Equilibrium Hormone Institute recognize that imbalanced hormones never occur in isolation. They reflect complex interplay between genetics, stress levels, nutrition, gut health and environmental exposures.

Thus, we couple expert bioidentical hormone replacement with tailored lifestyle recommendations to target root causes of hormonal dysfunction:

Stress Management

Chronic stress negatively impacts reproductive hormone balance through over-activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and increasing inflammation. Relaxation therapies like meditation, yoga, forest bathing, and spending time in nature harmony hormone circuits.

Sleep Hygiene

Quality sleep and hormone balance have a bidirectional relationship, with deficiencies in one exacerbating the other. We offer both behavioral strategies and natural sleep aids to support patient’s ability to unwind at night for healing restorative sleep.

Nutrient Optimization

Certain dietary patterns and key micronutrients profoundly influence hormone metabolism. Our nutrition plans help correct deficiencies and promote hormone receptor sensitivity through recipes and high quality supplements when needed.

Gut Support

An unhealthy gut microbiome directly triggers inflammatory pathways that disrupt endocrine pathways. Rebalancing intestinal flora with prebiotics, probiotics and supporting digestive function alleviates inflammation for improved hormone signaling.

This integrative approach addresses root causes of hormone dysfunction, providing patients with a blueprint for whole-person wellness alongside expertly prescribed bioidentical hormone therapy customized to their unique needs. Contact Equilibrium Hormone Institute today to begin your transformative journey back to optimal wellbeing.

Local Partners in Menifee for Comprehensive Care

Equilibrium Hormone Institute partners with top-notch wellness providers in the Menifee community to offer patients seamless access to comprehensive services like:

Fitness - Menifee Valley Fit Body Boot Camp - Inspire Dance Studio - Sun City Cycle

Nutrition & Weight Loss - Health Nut Menifee - Sequoia Nutrition and Wellness

Primary Care - CareMore Health Menifee Medical Group

Obstetrics / Gynecology - Magnolia Women's Health

Mental Health - Michelle Leshnevsky, Marriage & Family Therapist

MedSpa & Aesthetics - Skin Laundry Menifee - European Wax & Skin Care Center

This allows us to incorporate diet, exercise, stress reduction, skin rejuvenation, and other supportive wellness therapies into customized treatment plans as desired to help patients achieve and sustain optimal hormone balance.

Contact Equilibrium Hormone Institute today to begin your journey towards renewed health and wellbeing.

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